Results for 'Carl S. Helrjch'

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  1. Think pieces.Carl S. Helrjch, Peter E. Hodgson, Nicholas T. Saunders, Jeffrey Koperski, Ursula Goodenough Religiopoiesis, Ursula Goodenough, Loyal Rue, David Knight, Phiup Cl-Ayton & Joseph M. Zycinski - 2000 - Zygon 35 (3-4):716.
  2. The reinstatement of ecclesiastes.Carl S. Knopf - 1925 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):191.
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    Kierkegaard and the Staging of Desire: Rhetoric and Performance in a Theology of Eros.Carl S. Hughes - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Theology in the modern era often assumes that the consummate form of theological discourse is objective prose—ignoring or condemning apophatic traditions and the spiritual eros that drives them. For too long, Kierkegaard has been read along these lines as a progenitor of twentieth-century neo-orthodoxy and a stern critic of the erotic in all its forms. In contrast, Hughes argues that Kierkegaard envisions faith fundamentally as a form of infinite, insatiable eros. He depicts the essential purpose of Kierkegaard’s writing as to (...)
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    Ricardo on Taxation.Carl S. Shoup - 1960 - Columbia University Press.
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    Writing the Law/Gospel Dialectic of, and in, Lutheranism.Carl S. Hughes - 2010 - International Philosophical Quarterly 50 (1):5-24.
    This paper suggests an alternative reading of Practice in Christianity to Merold Westphal’s interpretation of the text as defining what he calls “religiousness C.” Attending closely to the rhetorical construction of Practice, and situating it in the context of Kierkegaard’s intensive reading of Luther late in his life, I argue that this text extends the Postscript’s meditation on inwardness and writing to one of the central theological constructs of Lutheranism, the distinction between law and gospel. On my reading, Practice both (...)
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    Is there a basis for teleology in physics?Carl S. Helrich - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):97-110.
    Abstract.The basic laws of physics for particles and fields can be formulated in terms of variational principles. The initial development of a variational principle had distinct teleological implications. The formulation of physical laws in terms of variational principles is outlined with specific reference to classical and quantum mechanics and field theory. Because of time irreversibility no variational principle exists for thermodynamics. In order to obtain time irreversibility molecular trajectories must be abandoned in the lowest‐level description of complex multicomponent systems. A (...)
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    Thermodynamics: What One Needs to Know.Carl S. Helrich - 1999 - Zygon 34 (3):501-514.
    Thermodynamics is the foundation of many of the topics of interest in the religion‐science dialogue. Here a nonmathematical outline of the principles of thermodynamics is presented, providing a historical and conceptually understandable development that can serve teachers from disciplines other than physics. The contributions of Gibbs to both classical and rational thermodynamics, emphasizing the importance of the ensemble in statistical mechanics, are discussed. The seminal ideas of Boltzmann on statistical mechanics are contrasted to those of Gibbs in a discussion of (...)
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  8. Carriers of Faith: Lessons from Congregational Studies.Carl S. Dudley, Jackson W. Carroll & James P. Wind - 1991
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    Teaching Science To the Unimpressed.Carl S. Frankel - 1990 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 10 (3):130-132.
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    John Polkinghorne: Crossing the Divide Between Physics and Metaphysics.Carl S. Helrich - 2000 - Zygon 35 (4):963-969.
    John Polkinghorne is a significant contributor to the religion and science dialogue, bringing the expertise of a scientist coupled with serious theological study, ordination, and service as a parish priest. He takes both theology and science with utmost seriousness and describes himself as a bottom‐up thinker, confronting the scriptural record as a scientist does data. But he refrains from giving scientific explanations of scripture. Polkinghorne's concern is with hope, and specifically with eschatological hope. The framework for his theological thinking is (...)
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    Dueling orphans–interacting nuclear receptors coordinate Drosophila metamorphosis.Carl S. Thummel - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (8):669-672.
    At least seven orphan members of the nuclear receptor superfamily are transcriptionally regulated by the steroid hormone ecdysone and expressed during the onset of Drosophila metamorphosis. A recent paper provides functions for two of these receptors, E75B and DHR3, through trans‐regulation and heterodimerization(1). DHR3 appears to function as a switch that defines the transition from a late larva to a prepupa, and E75B functions as a timer that modulates this transition. This study provides a biological function for orphan receptor interactions (...)
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    Puffs and gene regulation — molecular insights into the Drosophila ecdysone regulatory hierarchy.Carl S. Thummel - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (12):561-568.
    Sixteen years ago, Michael Ashburner and his colleagues proposed a hierarchical model for the genetic control of polytene chromosome puffing by the steroid hormone ecdysone. The recent molecular isolation and characterization of three early ecdysone‐inducible genes has confirmed many aspects of this model — these genes are directly induced by ecdysone, repressed by ecdysone‐induced proteins, and appear to encode DNA binding regulatory proteins. The three early genes are also remarkably similar in structure. They are all unusually long and complex, with (...)
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    Steroid‐triggered death by autophagy.Carl S. Thummel - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (8):677-682.
    Programmed cell death is a critical part of normal development, removing obsolete tissues or cells and sculpting body parts to assume their appropriate form and function. Most programmed cell death occurs by apoptosis of individual cells or autophagy of groups of cells. Although these pathways have distinct morphological characteristics, they also have a number of features in common, suggesting some overlap in their regulation. A recent paper by Lee and Baehrecke provides further support for this proposal.(1) These authors present, for (...)
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  14. Cosmic impressions: Traces of God in the laws of nature. By Walter Thirring.Carl S. Helrich - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):997-999.
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    God as Thelarrhenic.Carl S. Keener - 1982 - Process Studies 12 (1):26-27.
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    Erasmus and Reuchlin.Carl S. Meyer - 1969 - Moreana 6 (4):65-80.
  17. Elizabeth I and the Religious Settlement of 1559.Carl S. Meyer - 1960
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  18. Measurement and Indeterminacy in the Quantum Mechanics of Dirac.Carl S. Helrich - 2000 - Zygon 35 (3):489-503.
    The quantum‐measurement problem and the Heisenberg indeterminacy principle are presented in the language of the Dirac formulation of the quantum theory. Particularly the relationship between quantum state prior to measurement and the result of the measurement are discussed. The relation between the indeterminacy principle and the analog between quantum and classical systems is presented, showing that this principle may be discussed independently of the wave‐particle duality. The importance of statistics in the treatment of many body systems is outlined and the (...)
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  19. On the limitations and promise of quantum theory for comprehension of human knowledge and consciousness.Carl S. Helrich - 2006 - Zygon 41 (3):543-566.
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    Social considerations for information technology offshoring.Richard Vedder & Carl S. Guynes - 2008 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 38 (4):40-44.
    Recently, the outsourcing of Information Technology activities to offshore locations has been gaining significant momentum, with some associated backlash by the workforce in the United States. Based on their 2005 survey [6], Global Insight, a private consulting firm, estimated that U.S. companies will spend about $38.2 billion in offshore IT services by 2010, compared with about $15.2 billion in 2005, primarily because the expected cost savings will grow by $11.7 billion in the same time period. Binder writing in "Foreign Affairs" (...)
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    Erasmus von Rotterdam : Werk und Wirkung. By Willehad Paul Eckert. Cologne : Wienand-Verlag, 1967. Two volumes. 654 pages. Boards. Price? [REVIEW]Carl S. Meyer - 1970 - Moreana 7 (2):76-76.
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    Platonic Dialogues and Platonic Principles.Carl S. O’Brien - 2021 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 15 (1):90-98.
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    Freedom and Responsibility in Neoplatonist Thought by Ursula Coope.Carl S. O'Brien - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (4):679-680.
    Ursula Coope's volume sets out to answer the question of why "true freedom" necessitates "freedom from bodies" according to the Neoplatonists. As a result, while the title suggests a work on ethics, the volume handles such questions within a broader metaphysical framework. Coope admirably traces the initially separate treatments of freedom and responsibility in earlier thinkers before examining how they merge into twin aspects of a related discussion. The handling of Plato's concept of freedom in the first chapter outlines a (...)
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    The Philistines in Transition: A History from Ca. 1000-730 B. C. E.Nadav Na'aman & Carl S. Ehrlich - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):161.
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    Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila segmentation gene fushi tarazu (ftz).Charles R. Dearolf, Joanne Topol & Carl S. Parker - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (3):109-113.
    Abstractftz is one of the ‘pair rule’ segmentation genes of Drosophila melanogaster, and is an important component of the segmentation process in the fruit fly. We discuss the transcriptional mechanism which causes ftz to be expressed in a seven stripe pattern during embryogenesis.
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    HIPPA, privacy and organizational change: a challenge for management.Bradley K. Jensen, Melinda Cline & Carl S. Guynes - 2007 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 37 (1):12-17.
    Organizational change surrounding the security of identifiable health information has become imperative. This is a significant challenge for managers who are held responsible for loss of privacy through faulty security procedures. Management cannot completely secure the organization and still provide employees and customers with the information and services they need. Organizations must decide how much and what type of security they need, how to assign priorities, and how to manage security as the organization evolves in a competitive environment.
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  27. TIC e innovación en la educación escolar española. Estado y perspectivas.Carles Sigalé S., Josep Mominó & Julio Meneses - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación, Tecnología y Sociedad 78:90-99.
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    Ars angelica: la gnoseologia de Ramon Llull.Carles Llinàs - 2000 - Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
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    The witnesss of Kierkegaard.Søen Kierkegaard & Carl Michalson - 1960 - New York,: Association Press.
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    Our Content.Carl Hess, Hans Klemperer, Kurt Strobl, L. S. Ornstein, C. Janssen Czn, C. Krygsman, P. Lenz, Wilhelm Geyger, Werner Weber & W. Rogowski - 1986 - Hermes 10:s00247 - 011.
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    Exploring the Relationship Between Empathy, Self-Construal Style, and Self-Reported Social Distancing Tendencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Carl Michael Galang, Devin Johnson & Sukhvinder S. Obhi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Social distancing has become the most prominent measure many countries have implemented to combat the spread of COVID-19. The aim of the current study was to explore the potential role of empathy and self-construal styles, as individual personality traits, on self-reported social distancing. Participants completed the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, the Singelis Self-Construal Scale, and were asked to rate their level of social distancing and how much they endorsed social distancing on a five-point Likert-scale. Across a large and diverse sample, results (...)
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  32. Homage to Rudolf Carnap.Herbert Feigl, Carl G. Hempel, Richard C. Jeffrey, W. V. Quine, A. Shimony, Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Herbert G. Bohnert, Robert S. Cohen, Charles Hartshorne, David Kaplan, Charles Morris, Maria Reichenbach & Wolfgang Stegmüller - 1970 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1970:XI-LXVI.
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    The Devils in the DALY: Prevailing Evaluative Assumptions.Carl Tollef Solberg, Preben Sørheim, Karl Erik Müller, Espen Gamlund, Ole Frithjof Norheim & Mathias Barra - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (3):259-274.
    In recent years, it has become commonplace among the Global Burden of Disease study authors to regard the disability-adjusted life year primarily as a descriptive health metric. During the first phase of the GBD, it was widely acknowledged that the DALY had built-in evaluative assumptions. However, from the publication of the 2010 GBD and onwards, two central evaluative practices—time discounting and age-weighting—have been omitted from the DALY model. After this substantial revision, the emerging view now appears to be that the (...)
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    Between cheap and costly signals: the evolution of partially honest communication.Kevin J. S. Zollman, Carl T. Bergstrom & Simon M. Huttegger - unknown
    Costly signalling theory has become a common explanation for honest communication when interests conflict. In this paper, we provide an alternative explanation for partially honest communication that does not require significant signal costs. We show that this alternative is at least as plausible as traditional costly signalling, and we suggest a number of experiments that might be used to distinguish the two theories.
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    Gloomy Prospects and Roller Coasters: Finding Coherence in Genome-Wide Association Studies.Carl F. Craver, Mikhail Dozmorov, Mark Reimers & Kenneth S. Kendler - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (5):1084-1095.
    We address Turkheimer’s argument that genome-wide association studies of behaviors and psychiatric traits will fail to produce coherent explanations. We distinguish two major sources of potential i...
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    Signals without teleology.Carl T. Bergstrom, Simon M. Huttegger & Kevin J. S. Zollman - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 84:101310.
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    Psychotropic drugs and paediatrics: a critical need for more clinical trials.Carl L. Tishler & Natalie S. Reiss - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (4):250-252.
    Many children in the USA are prescribed psychotropic drugs that have not been fully investigated in paediatric clinical trials. The common practice of prescribing psychotropic drugs off-label poses unknown and potentially serious short- and long-term consequences for these children. This paper briefly reviews the factors associated with the lack of paediatric clinical trials. We advocate a shift toward increasing paediatric trials with psychotropic drugs through a combination of adequate safety controls, additional reimbursement/compensation, a more organised and large-scale effort to collate (...)
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    The neurobiology of learning and memory.Carl W. Cotman & Gary S. Lynch - 1989 - Cognition 33 (1-2):201-241.
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    Psycho-Physical Dualism Today: An Interdisciplinary Approach.Friedrich Beck, Carl Johnson, Franz von Kutschera, E. Jonathan Lowe, Uwe Meixner, David S. Oderberg, Ian J. Thompson & Henry Wellman - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Until quite recently, mind-body dualism has been regarded with deep suspicion by both philosophers and scientists. This has largely been due to the widespread identification of dualism in general with one particular version of it: the interactionist substance dualism of Réné Descartes. This traditional form of dualism has, ever since its first formulation in the seventeenth century, attracted numerous philosophical objections and is now almost universally rejected in scientific circles as empirically inadequate. During the last few years, however, renewed attention (...)
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    The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism.Carl Levy & Matthew S. Adams (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This handbook unites leading scholars from around the world in exploring anarchism as a political ideology, from an examination of its core principles, an analysis of its history, and an assessment of its contribution to the struggles that face humanity today. Grounded in a conceptual and historical approach, each entry charts what is distinctive about the anarchist response to particular intellectual, political, cultural and social phenomena, and considers how these values have changed over time. At its heart is a sustained (...)
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    Pragmatism considers phenomenology.Robert S. Corrington, Carl Hausman & Thomas M. Seebohm (eds.) - 1987 - Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
    A collection of papers from a conference held in 1984.
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  42. Jewish Population Trends in the United States.Carl M. Rosenquist & S. Thomas Friedman - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    (1 other version)Completely Autoreducible Degrees.Carl G. Jockusch & Michael S. Paterson - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):571-575.
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    Religion and Thought of Shāh Walī Allāh Dihlawī, 1703-1762Religion and Thought of Shah Wali Allah Dihlawi, 1703-1762.Carl W. Ernst & J. M. S. Baljon - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (2):309.
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    Legal Origins, Corporate Governance, and Environmental Outcomes.Carl J. Kock & Byung S. Min - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (3):507-524.
    Environmental governance has emerged as a recent perspective to explain the link between corporate governance mechanisms and environmental performance such as pollution reduction. We extend current models by incorporating the crucial role of the underlying institutional logics in terms of an a priori focus on either shareholder rights or stakeholder inclusion, which, in turn, can be traced back to the legal origin of a specific country. Using data on a sample of common and civil law countries, we find support for (...)
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    Diwan Abatur, Studi e Testi No. 151.Carl H. Kraeling & E. S. Drower - 1951 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 71 (4):273.
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  47. Data, corpora, and linguistic research.Per Anker Jensen, Finn Sørensen & Carl Vikner - 1989 - Hermes 2 (1989):179-186.
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    Studying sense of agency online: Can intentional binding be observed in uncontrolled online settings?Carl Michael Galang, Rubina Malik, Isaac Kinley & Sukhvinder S. Obhi - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 95 (C):103217.
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  49. (1 other version)Charles S. Peirce's Evolutionary Philosophy.Charles S. Peirce & Carl R. Hausman - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (2):401-413.
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    Explaining costly religious practices: credibility enhancing displays and signaling theories.Carl Brusse, Toby Handfield & Kevin J. S. Zollman - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-32.
    This paper examines and contrasts two closely related evolutionary explanations in human behaviour: signalling theory, and the theory of Credibility Enhancing Displays. Both have been proposed to explain costly, dangerous, or otherwise ‘extravagant’ social behaviours, especially in the context of religious belief and practice, and each have spawned significant lines of empirical research. However, the relationship between these two theoretical frameworks is unclear, and research which engages both of them is largely absent. In this paper we seek to address this (...)
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